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11:38:15AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon opened Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
12:01:45AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest reviewed Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
12:01:45AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
12:01:45AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
12:01:45AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest reviewed Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
12:01:45AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
12:02:51AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest created comment on Issue #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc"
12:03:48AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest created comment on Issue #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add)
12:11:38AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] eLtMosen created comment on Issue #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add)
12:36:04kidoupdates from the starfish side: so I've written this large codebase with libasteroid using QtBluetooth. it turns out that QtBluetooth wants to handle everything itself(especially the whole connection process) and since the L2CAP channel needs to be encrypted, QtBluetooth asks the kernel if it can set up a high security BLE connection but in the best case it gets rejected which eventually closes the
12:36:06kidoconnection, in the worst case my Jolla C kernel panics... apparently, in order to be able to set up that high sec channel we need to connect from the system side (ie: from bluetoothd) and only use the BlueZ's GATT DBus APIs. from what I could understand, this can not be done with QtBluetooth so I've been experimenting with gattlib instead but gattlib doesn't work on my computer (dbus crashes) and it doesn't
12:36:08kidocross compile cleanly with the sailfishos SDK (lots of missing symbols in the bluez libs and some type conversions it doesn't like...) so the experiment is still open
12:37:51kidoif anyone is willing to help, I could push the current qtbluetooth based codebase but cross-compiling asteroid-ctrl is an easier way to reproduce the high sec L2CAP problem
12:38:29kidoalternatively, I was also able to reproduce that problem with when discovering the battery service of my asteroid watch
12:39:55kidorunning the ble scanner from a terminal with strace, we can see that the kernel returns an EACCES error code. I've blindly tracked that down to but setting CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE doesn't fix the problem
12:40:31locusfsounds quite horrific messa
12:40:36kidoit is :(
12:41:04kidoit's been almost a month I've been stucked with that crap now, and I'm really losing patience
12:41:57r0kk3rzwe can probably talk to jolla guys about the kernel panic at least
12:42:21r0kk3rzit could just be the jolla c
12:44:58kidoit's under certain conditions, when you try to connect with qtbluetooth and then from the settings
12:45:01kidothe phone reboots
12:45:55kidoif you just connect from settings, the connection stays active really well (for more than a day without any disconnection and so on)
12:46:33kidowhich makes me think we should try to find a simple BlueZ's DBus GATT API wrapper (or write one, alternatively :( ) that "just works" on sailfish
12:47:28kidolet the user connect from system settings, and then starfish communicates with starfishd on dbus and starfishd with bluetoothd on dbus as well
12:50:51r0kk3rzhmm i wonder how systemsettings works, theres probably a qml plugin or something
12:51:05kidoyeah, I wonder as well but I don't think that code is public
12:51:15kidohaven't had the time to check that yet
12:51:47kidomaybe it just connects but never asks for a service discovery on the BLE services that require encryption
12:52:26kidowell, no, that should work since it properly asks for pairing
12:53:09kidoI'm really confused at that point, I wish this SFOS BLE stack was properly tested and documented
12:54:30kidoand when I have a problem on asteroid, I can easily recompile everything with debugging logs from the kernel to the app but when it comes to my jolla c, it looks like the kernel building process is not documented at all, I have no idea how to rebuild bluez and so on
12:54:41r0kk3rzthere looks to be a fork of a kde one
12:55:04kidomhh, no support for GATT
12:55:32kidoif BLE is not supported, we can't use that lib
12:57:20r0kk3rzyeah ble support is quite a new idea on sailfish
12:57:31r0kk3rzit wasnt that long they released bluez5
13:08:00AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:08:00AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon reviewed Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:12:01AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon reviewed Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:12:01AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:12:09AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:14:20AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:14:20AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest reviewed Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:15:20AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:15:20AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon reviewed Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:16:54AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest commented on Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:16:54AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest reviewed Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:18:11AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon created comment on Issue #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc"
13:49:16AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon synchronized Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
13:52:26AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] jgibbon created comment on Issue #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc"
18:36:36AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest created comment on Issue #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc"
18:36:48AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest merged Pull Request #10 new watchfaces: "kitt" and "arc" (master -> master):
18:36:49AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] FlorentRevest pushed 7 commit(s) to master:
18:36:49AsteroidBotJohn Gibbon: kitt watchface: initial commit (
18:36:49AsteroidBotJohn Gibbon: arc watchfaces: initial commit (
18:36:50AsteroidBotJohn Gibbon: update readme (
18:36:50AsteroidBot+4 more commits
21:54:16AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] eLtMosen commented on Pull Request #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add) (master -> master):
21:54:16AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] eLtMosen reviewed Pull Request #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add) (master -> master):
22:09:58AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] eLtMosen commented on Pull Request #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add) (master -> master):
22:09:58AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] eLtMosen reviewed Pull Request #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add) (master -> master):
22:13:31AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] eLtMosen synchronized Pull Request #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add) (master -> master):
22:28:42AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] eLtMosen created comment on Issue #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add)
22:29:18AsteroidBot[unofficial-watchfaces] eLtMosen edited comment on Issue #9 release = relief (9 Watchfaces to add)