2015-11-21 13:36:07 TimSueberkrueb Hey :) How can I start an asteroid application from command line (using adb shell)? 2015-11-21 13:39:15 @kido hi TimSueberkrueb :) 2015-11-21 13:45:02 TimSueberkrueb thank you :) 2015-11-21 13:46:05 @kido if you need an openembedded recipe for qtquickcontrols-asteroid I'm just about to write it 2015-11-21 13:47:19 TimSueberkrueb kido: okay 2015-11-21 13:47:21 TimSueberkrueb error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment. 2015-11-21 13:47:21 TimSueberkrueb Failed to create display (No such file or directory) 2015-11-21 13:47:33 TimSueberkrueb ahhh that's supposed to be xD 2015-11-21 13:47:38 TimSueberkrueb sry 2015-11-21 13:48:21 TimSueberkrueb great, it works 2015-11-21 13:48:57 TimSueberkrueb (my problem was that I'm chatting from thunderbird and it displays "XD" as smiley, so I just copied G_RUNTIME_DIR :'D 2015-11-21 13:49:05 locusf hahaha 2015-11-21 13:49:19 @kido ahah excellent :D 2015-11-21 13:51:12 @kido TimSueberkrueb: for easier development, if you don't want the screen to turn off all the time you can use: "mcetool -D on" it will enable "demo mode" of MCE which will stop the screen from locking 2015-11-21 13:51:47 TimSueberkrueb kido: ah, nice, thx! :) 2015-11-21 13:52:36 TimSueberkrueb Would be nice to have some kind of set of asteroid build scripts, I aliased some stuff e.g. asteroidboot, asteroidmake for easier testing. 2015-11-21 13:53:03 @kido indeed 2015-11-21 13:53:11 @kido I also have a "boot-dory" for fastboot boot and so on 2015-11-21 13:53:20 TimSueberkrueb we could call it "asterix [command]" :D 2015-11-21 13:53:46 @kido would be great :D 2015-11-21 13:59:48 TimSueberkrueb In case of app design: Would it be somehow possible to detect whether the screen is rectangular or rounded? 2015-11-21 14:00:47 @kido not for now 2015-11-21 14:01:32 @kido I guess the porters will have to hardcode an envvar or something that tells when the screen is circular or not and qtquickcontrols-asteroid should adapt to it. however we only support the lg g watch for now so it's not really a current problem 2015-11-21 14:01:34 TimSueberkrueb ok 2015-11-21 19:25:09 TimSueberkrueb hey, trying to display SVG Images in a QML app. Have QT += svg in my .pro though it produces this error: "QML Image: Invalid image data: ...myfile.svg". Made sure the project is rebuilt. Do you know what the problem could be? 2015-11-21 19:31:12 @kido TimSueberkrueb: mhh let me a minute to look at it 2015-11-21 19:32:45 @kido do you have /usr/lib/libQt5Svg.so ? 2015-11-21 19:33:10 @kido and /usr/lib/qt5/plugins/imageformats/libqsvg.so ? 2015-11-21 19:36:02 @kido I guess that a "adb push tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/qtsvg/5.4.2+gitAUTOINC+ccae23961e-r0/packages-split/qtsvg-plugins/ /" and "adb push tmp-glibc/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi/qtsvg/5.4.2+gitAUTOINC+ccae23961e-r0/packages-split/qtsvg/ /" in your asteroid build's tree should do the trick 2015-11-21 19:37:31 @kido it's normal that OpenEmbedded limits the installed file, currently QtSvg wasn't needed by the system so we didn't install it... however when you'll write the OE recipe of your app you'll just have to add DEPENDS += "qtsvg" and everything will be installed automagicaly :) 2015-11-21 19:38:27 TimSueberkrueb kido: okay, thanks so much, will try ... :) 2015-11-21 19:39:10 @kido I'm curious about what you're preparing :D 2015-11-21 19:39:50 TimSueberkrueb ahhh, nothing overwhelming yet :) 2015-11-21 19:40:47 TimSueberkrueb it works!!! 2015-11-21 19:48:00 TimSueberkrueb how does the screenshot app work? 2015-11-21 20:20:40 @kido :D 2015-11-21 20:21:00 @kido the screenshot app uses dbus to talk with lipstick (which is the library behind asteroid-launcher) and it doesn't work yet 2015-11-21 20:21:27 @kido for now I run everything as root which is obviously a terrible idea and should not last before any serious release 2015-11-21 20:21:45 @kido and with root dbus is sometimes messed up 2015-11-21 20:21:52 @kido that's the kind of things which happen 2015-11-21 20:22:50 TimSueberkrueb ah ok :) 2015-11-21 20:23:25 @kido that's why I use my smartphone's camera to take photo of my watch :) 2015-11-21 20:26:22 TimSueberkrueb kay then I think I'll follow your example ;) 2015-11-21 20:27:36 TimSueberkrueb just hope it will be recognizable as my smartphone's camera is comparable with a potato xD 2015-11-21 20:28:34 TimSueberkrueb would Qt.labs.Settings work (didn't try it yet)? 2015-11-21 20:33:17 @kido I didn't know smartphones were made of potatoes... maybe it's just in germany haha 2015-11-21 20:33:32 @kido anyway no I don't think it would work, what is that supposed to do? 2015-11-21 20:35:10 TimSueberkrueb :`D 2015-11-21 20:35:36 TimSueberkrueb saving a bool value 2015-11-21 20:36:08 TimSueberkrueb http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qt-labs-settings-settings.html 2015-11-21 20:36:19 TimSueberkrueb man, it works 0/ 2015-11-21 20:36:23 TimSueberkrueb kinda magic :) 2015-11-21 20:52:26 Nokius kido: :D 2015-11-21 21:03:38 @kido yay super :) 2015-11-21 21:07:30 @kido TimSueberkrueb: but I think nemomobile provides a "nemo-qml-plugin-configuration" that gives us similar possibilities 2015-11-21 21:07:40 @kido anyway... if it works then it's ok 2015-11-21 21:07:49 TimSueberkrueb kido: yep :) 2015-11-21 21:17:46 TimSueberkrueb Eventually, here's my potato video ^^: 2015-11-21 21:17:48 TimSueberkrueb https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4EyY4wSGSyja0RiLUtwUGxkMHc/view?usp=sharing 2015-11-21 21:19:23 TimSueberkrueb (Off topic: how do you use IRC?) 2015-11-21 22:32:27 @kido Darn that's great! It has its place in the base asteroid system