2016-07-30 05:55:28 Sin_ Does anyone here now the state of Asteroid OS on the Huawei Watch? 2016-07-30 18:37:36 croccio hi guys 2016-07-30 18:37:40 croccio i get this error 2016-07-30 18:37:41 croccio hardware/qcom/display/msm8226/libcopybit/copybit_c2d.cpp:34:28: fatal error: linux/msm_kgsl.h: No such file or directory 2016-07-30 18:37:41 croccio #include 2016-07-30 18:37:41 croccio ^ 2016-07-30 18:37:41 croccio compilation terminated. 2016-07-30 18:37:41 croccio build/core/binary.mk:675: set di istruzioni per l'obiettivo "out/target/product/generic/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/copybit.msm8x26_intermediates/copybit_c2d.o" non riuscito 2016-07-30 18:37:42 croccio make: *** [out/target/product/generic/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/copybit.msm8x26_intermediates/copybit_c2d.o] Errore 1 2016-07-30 18:37:42 croccio make: uscita dalla directory "/home/antonio/Documents/android-sprat" 2016-07-30 18:37:51 croccio while executing this 2016-07-30 18:37:52 croccio mmma hardware/qcom/display/msm8226/ 2016-07-30 18:38:47 croccio any help? 2016-07-30 18:47:12 @kido ??hi croccio 2016-07-30 18:47:39 croccio when i run this command 2016-07-30 18:47:40 croccio mmma hardware/qcom/display/msm8226/ 2016-07-30 18:47:50 croccio https://github.com/AsteroidOS/meta-dory-hybris/blob/master/README-system-dir 2016-07-30 18:47:57 croccio e get that error 2016-07-30 18:48:01 croccio *i get 2016-07-30 18:48:26 croccio cannot include linux/msm_kgsl.h because it cannot found 2016-07-30 18:48:34 @kido in android/hardware/qcom/display/msm8226/common.mk add this line: common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../msm8x26/kernel-headers/ 2016-07-30 18:50:05 croccio ok, i try now 2016-07-30 18:50:11 croccio thank you 2016-07-30 19:05:49 croccio it works :) 2016-07-30 20:10:23 PatrickC i'm hoping Asteroid is still active.. ;) 2016-07-30 20:11:11 @kido hi PatrickC 2016-07-30 20:11:18 @kido it is ;) 2016-07-30 20:11:25 PatrickC awesome :) 2016-07-30 20:11:34 PatrickC i'm one of the owners of CarbonROM, and we're looking into.. well, expanding somewhat 2016-07-30 20:11:42 PatrickC mind a PM? 2016-07-30 20:13:28 @kido this is an open source community and the discussion can happen here ;) 2016-07-30 20:13:30 PatrickC i've personally got a Gear S2 Classic and would love to pick up where the last dev left off with it 2016-07-30 20:14:38 PatrickC i've just stumbled across Asteroid and it fits exactly what we were (somewhat) looking for :) 2016-07-30 20:15:35 PatrickC (i'm at work, if i'm slightly slow to reply, that's why) :) 2016-07-30 20:16:41 @kido I believe that the previous person couldn't find a defconfig for the gear s2 classic so he wasn't able to port asteroid 2016-07-30 20:18:24 PatrickC did he have any work that he had already done, or did he just start with the kernel? 2016-07-30 20:18:35 PatrickC we've got several kernel guys on the team, so i'm hoping we'll be able to get somewhere 2016-07-30 20:18:51 @kido nop we couldn't do anything 2016-07-30 20:18:58 PatrickC hmm ok 2016-07-30 20:19:04 PatrickC i'll dig into the Gear S2 and see what I can find 2016-07-30 20:19:18 PatrickC but, in the meantime, I also have a G Watch, so I might sideload and see how it goes :) 2016-07-30 20:19:28 PatrickC i'll be lurking for sure 2016-07-30 20:19:52 @kido alright, the g watch will be fine but gear s2 promises challenges for porting 2016-07-30 20:20:20 @kido what do you mean by "fits exactly what we were looking for" ? 2016-07-30 20:24:01 PatrickC that's part of what I wanted to discuss over PM, things that i'm not ready to discuss fully in public yet 2016-07-30 20:25:45 melangeX Good afternoon. Wondering if this is the right place to ask for help in building asteroidos (sparrow). 2016-07-30 20:27:17 @kido PatrickC: if this is not ready to be discussed in public then asteroid is probably not "what you are looking for" :) 2016-07-30 20:27:23 @kido hi melangeX, yes this is the right place 2016-07-30 20:30:17 melangeX Cool. System is Ubuntu 12.04, bitbake 1.12.0, error is "The BBPATH variable is not set". I tried setting BBPATH and BBFILES to . and it couldn't find .bb files. I tried running it in src/oe-core/meta and /bitbake but got "re recipe files to build" 2016-07-30 20:30:35 melangeX *"no recipe files" 2016-07-30 20:31:12 melangeX This is of course after doing prepare-build sparrow 2016-07-30 20:31:33 @kido did you use "./prepare-build.sh" instead of ". ./prepare-build.sh" ? 2016-07-30 20:32:04 PatrickC kido: gotcha :) 2016-07-30 20:32:05 melangeX Yes. I'll try the latter and let you know if that works. 2016-07-30 20:32:45 melangeX Now installing dependencies. Thank you! 2016-07-30 20:32:51 @kido you're welcome